Monday, 29 June 2009

Free Article directories websites

There are many many article submitting websites on internet. I have spent a lot of time trying a lot of them, but there are only several of them work. I am here writing down those which work and also i will write down those website which don't work and why they don't work. Hope it will be useful for you and save your time.
For those don't work or i failed to register, i suggest not visit them because it will waste lot of time.>no registration at all>in construction>no registration at all>failed to register>it is also a bookmark web>failed to register, but it is a good website, you can write article on this web and make income paid by google adsense, and also there are many syndicatio web publishing your articles, only one register.>failed to register. it seems to be a website advertising other website, no register>no registration, but it's sb's website, promoting their info product, I got their good PDF file,>only video can be submit, no articles>website can be linked to this web, but what I should do with this? Waiting for the website link.>how to link this website?>how to link this website?>how to link this website? this web can gain income from google adsense>only registering on this
site, nothing else in this site, is it a blog system(">they are not accepting articles at this time>no registration at all, but there are lots of articles.>no registration at all, but there are lots of articles.>it is a casino website instead of a article one.>sever can not be found>submission directly without registration>submission directly without registration, even no author bio.>my adsense account was imported here.>it's a web hosting provider>register only, no submission>no registration, only articles there.>this site is for sale, sponsered by the following website claimhelpline(link website) and another one>pthis one need phone No.. I didn't register.>put the link to my blog, wait my article approved and they link my blog.>no registration, but there is a forum>not an article directories>directly add article without registration>it is a site selling domain>I can not find the registration, but there are articles>no submission for articles right now. Maybe later. There are articles.>this is a website to sell article is failed to get approval.>it is a web design company webpage.>not article directories. provides small business tools for women including loan>submit article directly, no register.>this web doesn't work.>page can not be found>not an article directories, it's domain for sale>the web has some problem with registration. There are many articles there. Server is very slow>seems not to be an article article no registration>I can not find the registration, but there are articles>it is a search web>website lists here>not article web>no registration>nothing is on this web>automatical revert to which I put a link to.>soft ware download web>submit article directly>automatically add, edit, and delete your articles yourself, Submit Your Articles, Press Releases, and Books/Ebooks Here>I was only allowed submit my website and blog site>not an article web, it is sb's work at home web(free membership there to learn to make money online)>ebook directory and our ezine directory, only ezine can be submitted.>The server at is taking too long to respond.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

How to revert back to the orginal layout

i was using the new layout thing on m blog and it allowed me to edit
HTML and have all sorts of layouts, then accidentaly i reverted back
to classic. am wondering how to go back to layouts. i dont want
classis. help!!!

if u r in classic template, then do like this:
in your dashboard click on templates, here click on Template tab, then
click on Customise design, here u will get mesage: Upgrade your
template, click on this, u will be send to new layouts.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

How to Build Successful Information Marketing Businesses Online Without Getting Scammed

These are difficult economic times for almost everybody. Many people are looking to the Internet to find an easy way to build an information marketing business that will solve their problems.

Unfortunately, there are too many scams that are successful in luring people into joining opportunities that do not provide real value. However, many are unaware of any real alternatives.

But, because you're reading this article you'll be able to build a successful online business without spending thousands of dollars on little informational value.

3 Steps to Building an Information Marketing Business Online

Step# 1: Understand the World of Information Marketing

You can only be successful online when you understand what people are looking for on the Internet. People use search engines in order to look for information on a variety of topics. Ranging from a review of a specific product to details about a holiday resort, the Internet has become the source of information.

Many people are prepared to pay for this information for various reasons. Firstly there is a higher perceived value for paid material. Many potential customers will not even look at your free information, as it is perceived as being cheap and lacking. There is a large market that will only buy information that the author feels comfortable to charge for.

Here is the key: If you know what people are looking for then all you need to do is create a product and market it. Plain and simple. And, this is easier than it seems as long as you follow the next two steps.

Step 2: Learn only from real marketers

Real marketers are aware of which niches are profitable to go into and they are aware of the marketing strategies needed to succeed in those areas. You need a complete plan.

The problem is that there is so much fluff on the Internet today even in the real business world of information marketing. There are people who claim that they can make you rich if only you follow their systems.

They claim that they can teach you how to create a product and market it as well.

With experience, I can tell you that many of these "marketers" are not telling you the entire truth. Many of these systems are selling you the dream. But they lack real informational value. They merely want to take you to the next level of purchase. It often turns into a never-ending circle of buying.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am not saying that you should not buy e-Books and other products online. I'm just opening your eyes to the real truth and suggesting that you be careful before you buy. Do your homework and make sure the person or company you want to buy products from are real experts and NOT self-proclaimed experts.

Step #3 –Find out who the real marketers are

There are some great marketers out there. The problem is that in order to employ them you would be charged anywhere between $500-$2000/hour for their services. Most people starting on a small budget cannot afford such high prices.

Fortunately, a low budget alternative does exist. There are teleseminars available that offer advice from some of the best-known marketers often for free.

Teleseminars make sense for marketers as they get exposure to a wider audience. The audience wins because they receive some fantastic training from marketers who often reveal some of their best information.

If you want to succeed on line then you will need to receive an education from true marketers. Before buying any material, you will want to review what is being offered. One of the best ways of doing this is through a teleseminar.

If you follow these steps, you will build a successful information marketing business online. It's how I'm growing my business and I'm a newbie. So, I'm learning just like you. But the difference is I'm following the above three steps and I'm learning from real experts.

Don't you think it's time for a change?

By: Barry Plaskow on

The Internet Sales Cycle Explained & How You Can Make It Work for You Just by Writing Articles

Most new online business owners think that Internet marketing is their magic pill to making more money.

I have news for you...It's not magic. It's a process.

But once you WORK that process, it CAN work like magic!

Here's the Internet Sales Cycle Broken Down into 5 Simple Parts

1. Collect Leads

The absolute best way is to get leads online is to write unique, original articles that position you as the expert in your specific niche. And, it's not that hard. All you have to write is a simple 500-word "how-to" or "top tips" article that will solve your prospect's pain. Wonder what a "how-to article" is? You're reading one!

Then, you want to submit your articles to the top websites, ezines and article directories that your targeted audience is reading. This way, you will be able to drive more website traffic and build your list.

2. Get Them into Your Sales Funnel – And Build Your List

Once you've written your article, you need a way to get prospects into your "sales funnel." The best way to make this easy is to offer a special report, e-Book, e-course, checklist, audio, video or anything else your heart desires. You will not charge for the product. Your goal is to get names now, and make sales later. You will put this information at the end of your article in what we call the bio box.

In the bio box, you can promote your:

- Website
- Products
- Services
- Specific "call-to-action" that leads them to the special product you offer

For an example just read my bio box at the end of this article.

Most people make the mistake of trying to sell high-priced products and services in the bio box. Getting visitors on your list should be your number one objective! Why? Up to 99% of your first-time visitors will not buy from you. They'll take a quick look and then they'll click away. If you did not capture their names and email addresses, you will have lost them forever.

3. Follow Up

Marketing studies have always shown that your prospects need to be exposed to your message at least 7 times before they'll take any action! That's why you need to build and maintain relationships with your list.

This is where ezines, e-course and autoresponders work like a charm. They will follow up for you automatically. In fact, with the marketing and shopping cart system My Easy Online Store, you can schedule email messages up to two years away! It's like putting your marketing on autopilot, so you can just set it and forget it!

4. Close the Sale

Your ezine, e-courses, special reports and autoresponder messages should drive readers to what you have to offer. However, don't forget to provide useful content and information. That's why they gave you their names and emails and that's why they'll stay on your list.

Here are two reasons why you shouldn't make the mistake of trying to sell from the actual email:

1) You don't have the room in an email to fully explain what you're selling and demonstrate its value to the prospect
2) It can turn people off who aren't ready to buy yet. You'll instantly lose those prospects from your list.

The idea of the email is to get them excited about your offering and to get them to CLICK. Once they click, then they should be taken to a sales page that you set up specifically for that product or service you're promoting. It's THERE and ONLY THERE that the prospect will get the full scoop on how great your product, book or service is, why they need it, how much it costs and how to order.

5. Upsell, and Upsell Again

Here's the biggest mistake I made when I started to sell my first information product online, "The A to Z Article Marketing System." It was the ONLY product! I didn't even have a membership club in place. So once people bought my product, I had nothing else in my funnel to sell them. I had to work extra hard at finding new prospects all the time. It's been said for ages: "It is easier to sell an existing client a new product than to find a new client."

That's why you need to continue turning (churning has a bad connotation) out valuable new products and programs that your customers will eat up like crazy. You can simply create new products by recycling the articles you used to collect leads.

Now, you have it -- the Internet sales cycle broken down into five easy parts. Now, you should see the missing links in your own Internet sales cycle. Have patience, keep learning and don't stop writing. You'll begin fill in these gaps, and start to see the magic of article marketing work for you.

Making money online expert Peng Yan has helped thousands of people just like you to make money online. To learn how you can make money online for the next 1 week, just visit my website
How to make money online:

By: Eric Gruber on

Monday, 22 June 2009

Why Are So Many People Looking For An Online Business?

The financial demands on the people in today’s society can be very stressful and people are looking for ways to either supplement their income or just plain replace it altogether. Everyone wants to relieve some of the stress that their finances constantly place on their lives.

People are turning to the internet everyday to save them from their financial woes. Maybe you don’t like working 40 or 50 hours a week. Or perhaps you don’t like your boss and coming home mad and upset every day. You may have gotten passed up for that promotion that you had coming for somebody that spent all of the time kissing the bosses you know what! I really can’t stand people like that!

So a while back I decided to start my own business from home. You might not really even know what that means. I didn’t. For those of you who don’t here is a simple description. You are going to be offering either goods or services to others that are looking for them. There are many ways to accomplish this.

People are turning to the internet for a solution. Why not? This world is filled with opportunity and it’s up to you to grab your piece of the pie!

My father worked for General Telephone for 30 plus years and retired with his savings and retirement as well as my mother retired as a nurse for 30 years and they live quite comfortably. But those were the old days. Today you put in 20 years at a company and they lay you off before retirement or many are going belly up for one reason or another.

This is why people are looking for something different. They want to make more money. They want to spend more time with their family or their children.

Not having to get up at 5 or 6 in the morning everyday and go to a job that they don’t like. From my own experience I will say its great not having to get up everyday and spend money to travel to a job that I don’t like and doesn’t pay enough and has no future for growth.

So a while back I decided to start my own business from home. You might not really even know what that means. I didn’t. For those of you who don’t here is a simple description. You are going to be offering either goods or services to others that are looking for them.

Many people have decided to go after their dreams. Thousands of people are having great success doing just that! I figured why not me? So I decided to go after my dream of financial independence. I enjoy working from home and the freedom it gives me and I don’t regret it for one second. It has been great!

So if you are looking for a great opportunity and want to be personally trained to success post a reply visit my site or just give me a call. All my contact info is supplied. Have a great day!

by thesecret on

Free Advertising & Internet Marketing

One overlooked or misused form of advertising is free advertising. However, this can be a very important means of growing your business.

There are innumerable free classified advertising sites on the internet
One immediately visible advantage of free advertising is the adjective, “free”. Many people starting internet businesses simply do not have the funds to buy advertising.

By the same token, a disadvantage to free advertising is that since it is free, everybody floods it with all kinds of ads, and it is easy for your message to get lost in the flood of advertisements.

Another disadvantage is that unlike people who look through newspaper classifieds or advertising papers such as are found at the local convenience store, few people on the Internet actually visit online classified sites in hopes of finding a car or piece of stereo equipment. Even if they do, they are not likely to see your ad if you are trying to interest someone in an internet income opportunity.

So, how can you turn free advertising to your advantage?

First, as mentioned, some sites will have the potential for improving your business in one way or another, and some will be totally worthless. Since the advertisement itself may or may not be effective, or may or may not be effective at a certain website, testing is necessary. Different ads must be tried, and they must be tried on different sites.

A difficulty in determining the value of a given free advertising site is the fact that with the advent of automatic advertising submitters, many sites are hardly ever visited by humans any more. Only the automatic programs drop by and leave off their ads and move on to the next site. Therefore, one of the first criteria to look for might be whether or not ads must be manually posted. At least in that case, humans will visit and may actually see your ad.

By the way, even a site which can be posted to automatically may be of value in the area of linking and search engine optimization. Most of these links will be fleeting or of little value to a search engine spider, but you may be able to build a little stable of sites which will help search engines find your site. I know of several sites where I regularly post ads exactly for this purpose. (which requires manual submission) for example is regularly visited by search engine spiders, and if I place an ad there, the page I have linked to will soon show up in search engine listings.

Second, free advertising is most effective if it is not used to sell anything. In fact, it will operate best when you use the free advertising to give something of value away in order to establish a condition of trust between yourself and a prospective customer. In the heyday of mail order advertising, this was often referred to as the “two step” method.

It worked, and still works, like this. The seller offers a free report, such as “How to Make Money from Your Kitchen Table”. The ad simply makes the offer, and often would request the reader to send a “free, self-addressed, stamped envelope” for the free report. In this way, the seller was able to get his materials in the hands of several interested parties for only the cost of the report and the ad. The seller was saved the postage by the reader who provided the envelope and postage. Enclosed with the report were materials offering other items, often more reports, which were sold by the seller.

If the seller had provided a report of value on the first mailing, it was possible that the reader would purchase one of the items. If not, the name and address was still on the seller’s records (mailing list) and the reader would receive more mailings and/or a collection of such names and addresses would be sold to others who had not built their own lists as yet.

The same thing is done on the internet, and many successful advertisements offer free advertising, software, reports, or services in order to entice the online reader to respond, thus placing his or her contact information at the disposal of the advertiser.

This sort of advertising on the internet has spawned two distinct “advertising” methods which, while free, are not actually advertisements. These two methods are the writing of articles and the creation of lead capture pages.

by Jaanvi03k on

Top Ten Secret of E-book Marketing

Electronic books, or e-books, are one of the quickest ways to make you an infopreneur, or someone who makes money by selling information. As a service business owner, it’s also a simple way to sell the information that you have spent countless hours amassing to all of those who want to buy what you know but who cannot afford to hire you as a service provider.

The most effective way to market your e-book is via a one-page website. If you already have a website, I recommend that you set up a separate stand-alone page for this e-book. Most domain registrars will permit you to forward and mask your product domain to an internal page of your current website. If you don’t have a site, you can create a one-page site with its own hosting. here’s what you need to know to successfully market your e-book via a one-page website:

1. An identifiable target market. E-books work best as a product for a very specific niche market, like an e-book on how to teach your dog tricks, how to effectively meditate to relieve stress, or how to find a green career. You need to be able to identify and describe your target market, from determining what the target market needs and what they’ll pay for (as well as how much they will pay) to what publications they read, what groups/associations do they belong to, and where they hang out both on- and offline. Make sure you understand what your target market needs and how to reach them before proceeding to the next step.

2. A domain name. The domain name for your e-book site should mirror or closely resemble your product name or a prominent feature of your product.

3. A give-away. You have two goals for your e-book site: get the contact info from your visitors and convert them into paying customers. Because not everyone will buy your primary product (thus providing you with their contact information), you need another strategy to collect your prospect’s information.

4. A merchant account. In order to collect payments, you need to be able to take credit card payments online and provide electronic product delivery. Your merchant account company needs to offer a “virtual terminal”, which lets you enter and process transactions online and interfaces with your shopping cart program. You can also go to The most commonly used virtual terminal is that provided by If you don’t want to invest in a merchant account, you can begin by using third-party processors like PayPal or Click Bank, but they offer less flexibility than a full merchant service.

6. Shopping cart software. Ultimately, your shopping cart software will be a workhorse for you and enable you to automate many functions of your online business.

7. Sales letter page. This is the primary sales page of your e-book website, containing a long sales letter with benefits of your product and testimonials of others who’ve used the product.

E-books are one of the quickest and inexpensive ways to help you establish your expertise and create another source of income for your business. Follow this simple e-book marketing plan and begin selling your information today!

by paddagurmeet1 on

Website designing- A Great tip to Creating that Website!

Website you must make allowances for the lowest possible common browser. Simply put, designing an awesome content rich website is not enough. Here’s a Fast Track Technique to make your job of designing and building a website a lot easier: A great tip to creating that website is to reply on friends who are well-versed in web designing. Not only are you selling your product or service, you’re marketing it, doing the accounting, paying the bills, answering the phones, designing and updating your website and preparing and sending out mail. Use website templates if you don’t have any designing flair.

Began designing a website to provide health information that you like and you’re in the process of designing your website. HTML is a common language for building and designing website. Whether you are building a brand new website, or re-designing an old website, or currently using a web design company for ongoing maintenance, these tips will help to make sure you are getting the best deal.

Those a small number of who decide to give designing a try themselves usually starts out with a website template. Database templates also facilitates you to make changes to your site much more easily, and help you change certain elements without recreating the entire page from scratch The dividends of simplicity can not be ignored and put at stake While designing a website it is important that the site is attractive, fast-loading, user friendly, focuses on your content and has a high stickiness factor to it. Planning and organizing are the most crucial steps in designing a website.

Select a HTML Editor Before you can begin designing your new website, you will need a piece of software called a HTML Editor or sometimes called Web Editor. Design depends on individual taste and designing a website from a first draft that the client will like from the start, can be a real challenge. Doing freelance graphic designing without having your own website is suicide. Designing the video jacket, website, figuring out how to market the video and get publicity all while trying to lose weight hard enough to do when you’re not stressed and food is you’re only vice.

Designing a site with the web standards will ensure the website backbone will not need to be redone any time soon, which reduces the amount of work on the site and the expenses of the site owner. Go to website redesign firms use high speed connections while designing your new store so they rarely see the increase in page load times. Most of the Designing websites start by submitting their tutorials to let users know that their website has resources that can help them.

Even a simple but elegant site needs some tweaking to be done and rather than be at the mercy of web designers, a basic knowledge of how HTML and graphic design work will go a long way in your designing a website you can be proud of. A customizable website builder which includes page editor features is superb, and means that you don’t have to rely on any web designing company or website designer to update your site. Designing a Website with Marketing Experience — Most web designers have no idea how to make money on the internet, with anything other than their design services.

by gagand on

How you can write and Marketing Your E-book

E-books have become a very common commodity on the Internet. E-books are electronic books that you can open, read, and print by using your computer. Writing an e-Book is among the best ways to brand your own business. Writing an e-Book is like any other form of writing be it a letter, a user guide, a report, etc. You must know who your target audience is and write to them. Writing an e-Book is actually easier than you might think and is a feasible way to make some extra money online.

Steps in Writing an E-book
your e-Book must provide answers to questions that a hungry audience within your niche is asking. There is so much junk information floating around providing answers and solutions which people could care less about. Even though your e-Book needs to be about a niche in which you have some degree of knowledge, you can easily find what marketers are hungry for in practically any niche by simply looking at what people are talking about in forums. You’ll often read common questions from people who are willing to pay a pretty to someone who can provide answers.

Decide on a catchy, yet meaningful title for your e-Book. Be careful that your title doesn’t misrepresent your e-Book’s content. The last thing you want is to tarnish your reputation as an author by exaggerating the claims of your e-Book with your title or in your marketing pitches. It’s always better to under-promote and over-deliver.

Decide on how many pages you want your e-Book to have. The nice thing about e-Books is that they don’t have to be very long. 25 – 40 pages are quite common for e-Books. After you finish writing your e-Book, be sure to have a couple different individuals proof it for errors. Typographical errors are so common nowadays, but that doesn’t make them right or acceptable. Numerous typos in books or e-Books always leave a poor reflection on the author. Once you have written your e-Book and have it laid out in an easy-to-read manner, you will need to convert it into a .PDF or an .exe format.

Once you’ve finished producing and pricing your e-Book, you need to develop a marketing strategy. Or go to there are literally hundreds of ways to market your e-Book, so implement a variety of methods. I would also suggest recruiting affiliates to promote your e-Book. Provide your affiliates with tools such as banners, articles, and even a list of keywords. Affiliate participation and success will depend on the quality of your e-Book and the promotional tools which you as the creator provide them.


many marketers are making a small fortune selling e-Books online. Writing an e-Book is like building a house, you have to start with a solid foundation and a specific plan. Writing an e-Book is probably easier than you think. The hardest part is actually sitting down and begins writing.

by Anjalee on

Begineer's Guide To Make Money Online

Today many people are resorting to make money online opportunities due to the vastness of internet.The lucrative potential of the internet as well as the personal freedom that comes with working without a fixed plan for an activity or event or geographic placement. The calculated of making money online is causing attraction to many, primarily because of the benefits it offers.

There are actually different ways to make money online, some of them more lucrative than others. There are many scams for making money online that don't really work, and end up losing money. There are many business opportunities to make money online faster. Finding the right one is never an ending search. Making money online is chiefly about taking action and is not a difficult task, but it requires proper knowledge and timely effort.

There are really many different ways to make money online. Some of them are more lucrative than others, however. Also, there are many scams so choose the right one to make money online that don't really work, and stop up losing money.

Many home businesses command an upfront investment. Decide a home business that is offers the best way to making money online, probably you have to spend some money to get opened. However, many people have been very prosperity with home businesses. As a general rule, if the online money making offer asks for money, it is credibly not a better thing.

Making money online is a dream for many, but the simple truth is that it's often just as tough as making money offline.The internet provides a lot of offer for mothers who look for extra yet big generating income online. This is one feature of online business that makes it very flexible to individual who wants to make money at the comforts of their homes or even on vacation portals.

by: JosephWolfe on

Making Money Online: Benefits of Learning from Others

There are millions of people across the world that dream about making money online. They feel that there has to be a better way to get their hands on all of the money that is out there. If you fit into this group, you should first realize that you can be successful making money via the internet. There are thousands of people in your country alone who are already making money online. Is there any reason that you should not be able to join them?

If you are thinking seriously about making money online, you need to start out by learning from others. The fact of the matter is that any money making strategy comes with a learning curve. But when you start out by learning from those who have been successful in the past, this curve is going to become much more manageable.

Where can you find those people who are already making money online? The answer to this question is simple: you can find them online. Remember, those who are using the internet to their advantage can be found via the internet. And not only can you locate these people, but many of them offer high quality advice and assistance. If you are willing to take what they tell you to heart, there is a good chance that you will be able to join them in your quest to make money online.

There is no reason to think that making money online is out of your league. You may have to put in time to become familiar with the different methods of earning, but the same holds true with any job. And remember, learning from others is the first step to success!

by: Anton Bestdetes on

Make Money On Web

It can be difficult to make money these days. Everyone wants to make more money than they do. Everyone wants a more luxurious lifestyle than the one they currently have. Money is very important in our society, and everyone wants the ability to live the life they envision for themselves. The way this can be accomplished more often than not hinges upon income. To make money on web, you'll need to have some rules in mind if you want to maximize your potential income.

First of all, when a person wants to make money on web, they must have a good idea of what they are good at. Most of the time, when a person makes money on the web, they are doing something that they are very good at, and that no one else can do for them. Therefore fore, if you want to make money on web, you first need to figure out what you are going to be really good at, and go from there.

The second thing to think about when you want to make money on web is what your hobbies are. If you can find something to do online that not only is something that you are good at, but also something that correlates with one of your hobbies, you'll be able to be much more successful. After you have thought about what you are good at, you should think about your hobbies, and see if you can work the two together in any way.

Monetizing your passion, your desires, is where the skill comes in. Carve a niche out for yourself, and establish yourself as an expert within that niche. Not all niches are created equal, but with nearly one billion people on the planet able to get internet access, it doesn't take a large percentage to build up a readership.

Having figured out what your niche is, it's time to get going with your make money on web project. You're going to have to make a website for your idea first of all. Having a website is a must to make money on web. You're also going to need a product to sell or a service to offer, and have a website so people can find out about and purchase it.

Lastly, in order to make money on web, you need to make sure that you are keeping up with the times and doing all that you can to insure that your business can move forward with the times. If you really want to make money on web, you'll be able to do this quite easily.

You can make money on web without having your own business, but be careful. A lot of sites will offer you the ability to make money on web but do not really deliver on their promises. Do your due diligence on any offer you see which interests you and claims to let you make money on web.

If you work on the things you love, then the time spent on them does not feel like work and the quality will show.

by: AndyMichaels on

3 easy ways to make money fast online.

How to make money fast? If this is your questions. Let me give an over view on how you can start making money in few days. These 3 things i consider which gives you the opportunity to make some easy money. So read it and implement it if you like it.

Fill survey forms : Yes there are companies on the internet which gives you money for simply filling forms for them. These forms are usually to find out what you like, which things you use, basically to collect information so the company can improve their product. So just give your opinion and make money as simple as that.

Ebay : I find this the most easiest way to make money because just collect things from your house which you are not using anymore and straight head towards and auction them and make some money from the things simply lying at your place. Is not it simple.

Offer services: There are many sites on the internet where you can offer your services. If you are good at writing become a freelance writer, if you are a web programmer do it for someone and get paid.

You can also offer your services like submitting articles to various directories, for the people who have websites. They often outsource this small jobs for some money.

Let me tell you these are not the online things to do to earn some extra cash , but I personally find these 3 things easier to make money fast.

Also you can promote thing from or You can join their affiliate program and some money by selling things from their website and earn commission.

I hope this article is of some help to you if you are looking to make some fast money from the internet without shelling money out of your pocket.

by: Ashfaq on

Important steps and tips for beginners on making money online with some certain system

Making money online seems to be very easy or incredible.
When you read the flooded information about making money online on internet, you will get to think it is very easy to be mushroom overnight.
But there will be some friends or family members around you dampening your enthusiasm on making money online by saying that all these are scams.
Your friends or family members are only 80% correct. Also the making money online systems who boost that you can be fast rich are also maybe only 10% correct.

Now let me tell you some important steps and tips on making money online with some certain system..

1, change your mind
In this big big world, nothing is impossible or anything is possible. If you don’t believe, just take a research on some search engine like google or yahoo and you will get an answer.
Yes, it is sure that it is possible to make money online. You should change your mind to believe this.
But what you need to do is to identify whether the making money online is a scam or can really help you make money online.

2, identify which system is not a scam
Referring to identifying which money making system is not a scam, it is really hard. You will get to think that all the systems on internet are really system which can help you make money online if you only visit their encouraging website which only want you to buy their system or e-books.
What you should do is to read more reviews on the certain system you are interested in, especially the reviews on some forum. The more you read, the more you know if it is a scam or not.
It is best that you spend at least 1 week to identify it.

3, work hard and learn for long time
Now comes the issue of how long you can make money online after you choose some system.
Usually you will have to spend about 2 weeks to learn the information about how to make money online in the systems. The system will tell you all kinds of information such as creating blog or submit articles.
You must spend time to learn the information first and grasp the main idea of how to make money online.

4, practice step by step
After you grasp the main idea, you can practice step by step.
Referring to step by step, I mean you must do one job at one time. i.e, you can create your blog and write something on there at one time. a article and submit it on the article website and on another website. You’d better not do something else such as write articles on article website.

5, never give up
At the beginning, you will spend a lot of time learning and practicing. Even if you have done a lot, you maybe make no even a penny from internet.
Don’t be discouraged! Just continue doing what you were doing and learning the information about making money online again and again and try to improve yourself. You will be finally successful.

Will You Get Rich With a Make-Money Business Opportunity Online? You May Not Like the Answer

Do you want to get rich with a make money business opportunity online? For the most part you do and millions of people around the world feel this way also. The Internet gives you the opportunity to promote a business in front of millions upon millions of eyeballs every single day. By doing this you increase your chances of making sales and of course making more money. But the question is will you ever get to the point where you are making a ton of money?

Unfortunately most people never do. The reason why most people never do this is because they were misled in the wrong direction. When you start a business on the Internet you have to come in with the attitude to give it 100% every single day on a consistent basis. This is not a game, this is not a hobby, this is not if it works it would be great. This is a real business and should be treated as such.

I see too many websites out there that say you can just set it and forget it and it's not going to work out like this. The only reason I started to make money on the Internet was basically because I started to learn more, grow more and apply the skills and knowledge that I learned. You must apply what you learn because if you do not apply it holds no substance or purpose.

On a brighter side a lot of people are making tons of money because they simply made the commitment to go full out with their business and not let anyone stop them. They're going to be a lot of negative people to bypass but are you really going to let that stop you? That is something you should always think about and I hope your answer is the right one.

Do you want to learn more about how I run my home based business online? I have just completed a brand new marketing system.

By Willox Perez on

How to Make Money With Your Business Right From the Start

Starting a business usually poses a set of challenges that range from the start-up capital you need, going through the heavy expenses of running it and the long wait before you start seeing profits. However, you can actually skip those challenges and focus your efforts on an alternative that will spare you from all that. How? By doing business and making money online.

The difficult part of making money online is not the size of your initial investment as much as it is the learning curve you have to beat.

Indeed, starting a business usually involves investing a considerable sum of money and there is always the risk that things will not turn out as we thought, so if we put a large amount of money as start-up capital we are always at risk of losing a lot of it.

However, the approach with an online business is completely different, because of course you will have to invest some money to start -as you would in any other business venture- but the really strong component of an online business is know-how.

Within the traditional business model this factor also plays an important role, but the balance between capital and know-how in this case is I would say 60% / 40%, whereas in an online business this balance is about 5% / 95%.

What does this means from a practical standpoint?

It means that when you are starting an online business the main obstacle between you and success is not the lack of money, but the lack of know-how.

The good news is that getting the know-how you need will only demand from you some time and effort to learn and get your business up and running.

So as you can see, within this business model you will not be risking money, you will be risking only some of your time and dedication, and while you wait for your business to take off, you will not be stressed out by the heavy expenses that usually come with the traditional approach.

Therefore, provided that you have a good source of results-driven online business education you will beat the learning curve fast and you will quickly have in your hands the only asset you really need to make money online steadily from the start: know-how.

By Alex Cadens on

Make Money Using Affiliate Niche Marketing Programs

Without a doubt, the best home based business anywhere in the world is affiliate marketing.

If you have heard that the market is over saturated, don't believe that mess! The only people who would say such a thing are those who failed in affiliate niche marketing programs. It isn't the programs; it is the marketers who fail to succeed. If you could telephone a top dog marketer and ask them which affiliate programs are the worst, do you know what they would tell you?

"There are no bad affiliate programs, but there are a lot of bad affiliate marketers."

You are probably really curious about what makes an affiliate marketer successful.

For one thing, they understand the importance of planning and research. You see, no matter what kind of business you decide to get into you have to have a plan if you want to achieve your goal. That's another thing many new startup business fail to do; give themselves a goal. If you don't know where you want to go, how could you possibly figure out how to get there? Before you even start looking for a good affiliate niche marketing program, you need to set a goal.

Even if your goal looks absolutely insane on paper, that is good.

The higher you aim, the farther you will climb. The next thing you need to do is research what you want to promote. Start with one affiliate niche marketing program and put all your effort and energy into creating a really bullet proof campaign. There will be plenty of time for branching off after you have one launch that is converting.

Be sure to choose the right keywords because you don't want to hidden in competitors.

You won't make much money if you are hard for your target market to find. You need to figure out how you will come up in the top search listing results for your market. Don't make this your last move, everything you do from day one in creating your campaign hinges on the keywords. They are the bricks and mortar of your profit from any affiliate niche marketing program.

You need to learn how to do good copywriting.

Either that or you need to hire a top quality writer to get this done for you. Bad copy will loose you more conversions that having a confusing page. That's the other thing, to make money with any affiliate niche marketing program; you need to focus on one promotion per page. You can't have 70 outgoing links to a bunch of different stuff. There should never be more than one way to leave your page and that should only lead to the conversion.

By Ricardo A Saldana on

Make Money Writing Articles Online - 4 Different Approaches

Anyone can make money writing articles online. All you need is a computer with access to the Internet and a decent command of your chosen language and you are set. Whether you plan to leave your boring 9-5 and set up an Internet business or you are a mother staying at home to look after the children, you can make money writing articles online.

The way to do it is to provide advice that people can take action on and use to improve their situation or solve a problem. Everybody who searches on the Internet is trying to solve a problem of some sort whether it is how to improve their tennis game or how to lose fat. The trick is to present your information in a user-friendly format.

Here are four ways to formulate your ideas:

1. Personal experience. Write from the perspective of your own experience. Show how you overcame a difficulty, solved a problem or applied some knowledge to improve your life or business. This is one of the best ways to empathize with your reader and have them trust you as a reliable source.

2. Checklist. People respond well to lists when working and learning. Making a list of jobs to do on a particular day is always a good idea. The checklist is just a list that is created before a particular task starts to ensure its smooth operation.

3. FAQs. Whenever you visit a website there is a section for FAQs. If you open a sales brochure or pamphlet there are FAQs. It shows that in general people ask the same questions, at least in the first place. Answer those questions about a certain topic to make money writing articles online. Then people will come to you for further information.

4. Save money. People have a universal desire to save money in business and personally. Explain how they can pay less for something or get more efficiency out of what they buy at the moment.

The most effective way to make money writing articles online is to provide great value in a practical format.

By James Vee on

Make Money With an Online Business

The opportunity to make money online is as good as it ever was. As the economic climate gets worse more and more people turn to the internet looking for ways to make money.

Although there are millions of websites online the internet will never get saturated as it is global and every day new people are coming online looking to start a business just like you. If your business is up and running then you have every chance of attracting those people to join up to your business.

Before you can attract people to join your business it stands to reason that you yourself must first get started and find an opportunity to join. There are hundreds of different types of business opportunities to choose from as you will find when you surf the web.

First of all beware of those programs that promise you will make thousands of dollars in your first month or two, it is more than likely they are scams. Also those programs that promise to make you a millionaire are not worth looking at. There may be a few millionaires on the internet but they probably got in early when the internet was born. It is very unlikely that anyone can honestly say they have become millionaires in the last year or two.

Unless you can come up with a unique idea of your own you will have to settle for searching the web for your business. Depending on the business you choose your ideal start is to build your own website, this will make other people aware of your business which is imperative to its success.

Never expect instant success, it takes time and patience to build a business for it to bring in your expected income, this means that if you are already in a full or part time job do not give it up until the online earnings can compete.

Apart from working with your business you should spend as much time as possible promoting your website. Your website can bring you in a second income once it starts attracting traffic.

Your business choices are vast, just decide what really interests you and what ever you choose you will find an affiliate program that will suit you. Of course there many more choices which you will find as you surf the web. If you are keen on taking risks then look at money market trading it is very popular at the moment, you can make big money but you can also lose big money so a lot of learning is required.

Do not get despondent if in the first few months your earnings seem low, they will improve if you continue to work at it, stay motivated and believe in yourself, you can do it.

By Sylvia White on

The Most Wanted Tips to Make Money Online

With the Global market turning worse each day, it is high time to look for alternative sources of income. As there are many job cuts around us, it is not wise to search for better employment opportunities in the big firms. So the only opportunity to earn money is to start your own business. You will be well aware of the fact that starting your own business is not an easy task to accomplish. In these nosedived economic conditions, the setup costs for any business will be out of reach to most of them out there. Thankfully there is an own business opportunity that comes with very little or nil setup costs. This opportunity is nothing but the online businesses available out there. People have a misconception that it is very easy to make money online. The true fact is that unless you are in the right track of online business, it will be an uphill task to make money online.

Avoiding The Online Scams

When it comes to the opportunities to make money online, there is no scarcity for the online scams. In fact, the scammers are taking advantage of the situation and many people out there fall for their false promises. There is nothing to wonder even if you, reading this article is a victim of the online money making scams. Always remember the fact that anything that is hard to believe doesn't really exist. Even though it is easy to make money online, you have to do a lot of hard work to succeed in your online business. So most of the instant get rich programs are scams where you can lose your hard earned money and precious time.

How To Find Genuine Opportunities To Make Money Online?

Instead of searching for the opportunities to make money online, it is wise to search for some information were you can get ideas to start your own online business. Searching for information is not a big deal in the Internet which is known as the world's largest library. There are thousands of sources where you can find information and guides to launch your own business to make money online. To the added advantage, there are some successful online businessmen who share their knowledge to help other succeed in their lives. Though such kinds of guides are not widely spread, you can spot a few success stories if you search online. For example, let's consider the eBook available out there written by Stephen Pierce, one of the successful online businessman. This eBook can be used as a guide or reference or case study for starting on online business.

Experience Counts

Experience is the main factor that counts in making money online successfully. Hence it is always better to hear what the experienced online businessmen say before you start your own business to make money online.

By Stephen Piercee on

How to Make Money Online - Copy Someone Who is Successful Already

If you want to learn how to make money online, one of the best ways is to follow someone who already has had success, and copy exactly what they do. Actually, this is true of any business. Why try to re-invent the wheel when you can follow a clear path to success that you know has been followed before?

When you first start out, you are in what I call "information gathering mode" want to make sure that you are getting the right start, in the right niche, with the right products and the right teacher. This is OK, you really DO need to do it...but at some point you need to move out of the info gathering phase and begin to focus on implementation.

All of the information in the world is not going to help you if you never get to the implementation phase...meaning, put what you have learned into action. This may seem like the next logical step, and when you think about it, seems like it would be pretty easy to do. The thing that I see people struggle with is this very step...and because I see it so often I have a recommendation that I believe will help you.

Rather than assume that you can smoothly and easily move into implementation, assume that you will run into some bumps in the road and be prepared to handle them. The best way that I have found to do this is by working with a coach or a mentor. This can make a huge difference in your progress...not only how much progress you make...but how fast you make it!

A coach can see you heading for a cliff before you can. They have been down the path before you and they know what potholes and bumps lie ahead so they can guide you around them. This is crucial if you want to learn how to make money online quickly. Why struggle when you can make it easy on yourself?

Here's the deal, you want to get your business profitable as soon as you can. You have realized that having a coach or mentor will get you there more quickly. Now all you have to do is pick the right coach. Obviously, I would like you to see that the best coach for you would be me...but really it's more important that you pick someone that you connect with and that you KNOW has had the success that you want to achieve.

Now, get to work. They will give you the steps and your job is to follow them...pretty easy. Probably the hardest part will be to stick with it and do all of the steps without allowing yourself to become distracted. There will be lots of people and programs telling you that they have an easier, faster way but if you start jumping from coach to coach, and program to program you are going to slow yourself down. Just focus and you will have results. Pretty soon YOU will be able to show others how to make money online.

By Tellman Knudson on

Make Money Through Internet Marketing

Marketing is something that a lot of people want to get in to. If you are also looking to find a job that you can do from home with complete flexibility, then you should look online. There are many different ways to have a marketing job online. You can make money through internet marketing via affiliate programs. These are programs that rely on marketing in order to make money for the merchant site and the affiliate business site.

What happens is that the affiliate site will advertise for another site and get paid for all of the traffic that is sent to that site. The affiliate site can also get paid a percentage of the purchases that the visitors make. This is called a two tier affiliate program and it makes more profit for everyone. This is because the business will get more sales and the affiliate site will get paid from those purchases. If you become an affiliate you can quickly make money through internet marketing. The great thing about this is the simplicity of these programs. In addition, you will have ultimate flexibility in your hours and you can work when it is convenient for you.

You just need to remember that effort is very important. When you are in marketing, it is important to be aggressive in order to attract people to your product. This means a lot of planning. Also, as an affiliate, you need to advertise to customers that will actually want to visit the site and buy some products. This is why you should choose to become involved with sites that are either similar or that you can w rite about on your site to promote them.

If you want to make money through internet marketing then you know a little something about that type of business. You know that it is illogical to think that you can sell any type of product. You need to get involved with products that you know will sell because that will then make you more money. This is especially true if you are part of an affiliate program that is labeled as a two tier. In this type of situation, when you are responsible for the sales of more products, you will get more money. If you really are serious about making some money, it is important to be confident that you can advertise for a product that is really going to sell.

By Troy Pryczek on

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Day 6 with profit Lance

i began to register clickbank and blogger.

Day 3, 4, 5 with Profit Lance

Day 3 with Profit Lance

I read the information in Profit Lance system on Sunday(14, June) for about 2 hours only. Quite Tired and maybe feel a little lost and have to stop for rest my brain.

Day 4 with Profit Lance
I spent about 4 hours on Monday(15, June). Still a lot of information to study. I have to quit and cleaning my bf's flat in the afternoon and then go shopping afterwards.

Day 5 with Profit Lance
Day 5 is today. I am still busy in reading the information. I guess i can not finish all the reading in one week as there are really a lot of information.
At the beginning, i suppose i should finish all the reading in one weekand then begin to perform step by step in the 2nd week and then make money. But it seems impossible.
Actually when i read in these days, i didn't read any of the e-books in the course because if i read them, only one e-book will take me many days to finish. And there are many many e-books and videos there and you can imagine when i can finish just reading. I have to do rough reading and watching video first.
Also some reviews on Profit Lance is quite right, it is not a step-by-step course. You will have to read them first and get the rough idea and decide by yourself where to go. There are many ways to go, yes i know this. But i am get lost which way i should go and what kind of job i should if i go this way. oh my god.
I have to read more and learn more and get the idea then.

Day 2(make money online with Profit Lance System)

Day 2: 12, June 2009
make money online with Profit Lance System.

Today i got up very early, maybe 7:30 am. Because i am excited about Profit Lance system and can not wait to study. Also maybe my boyfriend always rolled the quilt last night to his side and made me feel cold and not sleep well and i wake up very early today.

After finished washing and breakfast, it was almost 9:15. I began studying at this time anyway.
But today i feel really tired, i dont know whether it is because i didn't sleep well last night or because there is too much infomation in Profit Lance money making system. My brain really feel heavy.

I feel so frustrated with the google adsense account registration. I did registered an account before and it was in my mother country's language. Also this account was disabled. i tried so many times and tried to change the language or change the email address etc, but fail. Only this spent my whole morning time.
And also google adwords account, it seems i registered one before. so i have to change language or email address etc.
Google has some request about the account, so until now i don't know if my accounts are available or not. i am more and more confused now.
Also i am confused about Profit Lance, i am thinking what is relation between google adsense, google adwords, my blog, and all other websites i registered. I don't know how i can make money and where i can check my money and how much money i have made or i didn't make.
my brain is very tired now and have to take rest. I guess i should rest tommorrow(Saturday) and also Sunday. Oh my god. i just want to sleep.
I think i will need at least 7 days to finish reading.
I feel specially frustrated when i try to register some website, maybe it is because i am not familar with the registration.

Day 1(make money online with Profit Lance System)

Day 1: 10 June 2009
(make money online with Profit Lance System)

I logged in the member area and found there is really a lot of information. I was busy in reading yesterday. i guess i know sth about internet marketing. So the first day i was full of confidence that i will be successful in internet marketing since i will be guided by Profit Lance.
I can understand most of the information i read yesterday. when saying most, i mean i am not a English speaker and there is a little difficulty for me to understand the video. But i concentrate on the video and fortunately Mike speaks not fast.
Also the content seems to be not very difficult yesterday.

My experience with Profit Lance(before i bought)

My experience with Profit Lance

As i don't have a job right now and i don't have an income. So i have to find some way to make money.
I surfed on internet and tried to find some way to make money online. I read a lot of information about money-making online. But it seems that many are scams.
I read some investigation about Profit Lance and it seems to be a very good money-making system. But you know there are so many scams on internet and also i didn't think Profit Lance is a good system.
But anyway i have to find way to make money online. So i searched all the reviews about Profit Lance. But what surprised me is that almost all of the reviews about Profit Lance are good. I can only found 2 reviews are negative. But not completely negative because the reviewer only say they didn't make money but they admit there are many useful information in Profit Lance.
Maybe i should try this system.
Wait, i did not try to find other system. Why should i buy this in such a hurry?
Yes, so i search all kinds of money making system on internet and check the reviews. But very disappointed i am. Many people said some system are scams.
But there is another on Wealthy Affiliate, it seems to be goods and their website is good. But their price is much. I dont think i can afford it.
So i decided to try Profit Lance.
I bought it on this Wednesday, the day before yesterday(10, June, 2009).

(3June2009)my bad review on Chris' cashmultipliersystem

(3June2009)my bad review on Chris' cashmultipliersystem
I guess i deserved Rob's shouting at me last night. Really deserved as i thought it is so easy to make money from internet. I finally find I am an idiot or anything else similar.
Though i was a little sad about his shouting and also cried, but i was still very excited last night and i didn't fall asleep for many hours. I can say i was very happy that i found such a easy way to make money that Chris' cashmultipliersystem tells us. I even thought i would tell my brothers, friends to make money also from this way.
I got up very early today, maybe 6:30am, soon after he went out for working. Usually i get up at about 9:00 am.
After rushing to wash and make-up, i began to work on the 2 computers from 8:00 am. i was so excited that i could soon make money.
but i still had some worries such as if the same color that ball will finally stop on never comes before the maximun bet, then i will lose a lot, maybe all the money. I sent this worry to Chris on his cashmultipliersystem website: and ask for his idea.
But i can not wait for his reply before i started playing the spin bet.
I had Rob help to deposit 50 pounds into the acount on 32 vegas casino last night and got 66 bonus from the casino at the same time. At the beginning i want to bet 1 pounds, but the max bet amount for me is only 50 pounds. that means i can only bet the longest circle of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. That will be much dangerous for me because i am not sure that each circle will finish before my 32 pounds bet.
So i changed to play amount 0.10-15 pounds. so the longest circle will be 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 12.8, it is much longer and safer.
It was fortunate that i won 20 pounds in about 1 and half hour in the morning. The maximum bet i did maybe 6.4 pounds. But anyway i won money in each circle. I felt so excited and thought i can really make money from casino spin bet. I thought i should accumulate money until thousands of them are in my account and so i can start playing 1 pounds to make more money.
Basing on Chris' suggestion on his cashmultipliersystem, i went to play casino Hold'em poker so that i will be undetected and not be knocked out by the casino. i did so but lose about 2 pounds.
2 pounds is 10% of 20 pounds. and i quickly stop playing poker and went back to play spin bet to get my 2 pounds back.
This time is unfortunate because there was one occasion when i bet red, the ball never stop on red even the bet came to the maximum amount 12.8. oh my god, i lost more than 20pounds and the money in my account is much less than what i had before i bet.
Yes, what you won before is nothing if there is only one failing bet and the failing bet will beat you to ground completely.
I feel so disappointed and thought i should continue playing so my money should be at least as the same as the original level. So i did continue playing.
When i played the spin, i recorded all my bet on the paper. i could see there is only 1 failing bet among more than 200 bets and so the odds for the failing should be very low. But the odds for long circles is not very low anyway. So i played and played until i met another longer circle where the ball never stop on the winning color red. and i lost again. I felt so angry and couldn't imagine why the red color never comes. So i change to bet on the opposite color black, the first time i bet 0.1 pounds, i won. the second time i thought the ball will always stay on this color(black), so i bet on black color again wth 10 pounds but the ball finally ridiculously stopped on the red color. It beat me very heavily. I lost about 66 pounds.
I quickly stop playing the spin bet. Anyway it is gambling, it is really impossible that you will alway make money. You will finally get some failing bet on your way which will beat you very heavily.
Though the cashmultipliersystem theory in Chris' website or article is theoretically correct and sounds great, but you must take 1 fact into consideration as below:
Fact: the bet amount on the spin has a maxinum request. i.e. in European Roulette-multiplayer, the bet amount is from 1 to 300 pounds.
if you bet 1 pounds at the beginning, if you fail
you have to bet 2 pounds on the same color, if you still fail,
you have to bet 4 pounds on the same color, if you still fail,
you have to bet 256 pounds on the same color, if you still fail,
now you can not double 256 to 512 pounds because the maximun bet amount is only 300 pounds.
so you will have to bet the maximum 300 pounds or give up playing. When you bet 300, you still lose 211 pounds. when you give up, you lose total 511 pounds. anyway, all you made before plus some of your deposit were lost here in only 1 circle.
If you don't believe me, i suggest you playing the bet on "play for fun" mode for at least one hour. Only a few minutes of playing on "play for fun" can not make you see what will really happen.
After i lost the money, i can't believe why it is me losing money here but so many other people claimed on internet that they made 600 pounds each day by using 3 casinos. I dont think they are telling the truth.
Also after i lost the money, i play the spin bet on "play for fun" mode, for the beginning few minute or ten minutes, i made "money". But further i still had the occasion that the winning color the ball finally sat on never comes and i lost my "money".
Really i feel so disappointed.
Also when i play in a long circle, i feel so nervous and worry the winning color will never come out. That is not a good and easy way to make money at all.
So i suggest not playing this kind of gambling.

A 3 Step Internet Business Plan For Beginners

Whatever be the form of business, a business plan is essential to obtain a frame work of action and clear directions. The Internet business plan for beginners discusses 3 easy steps which will help you take off smoothly and cruise at high altitudes.

1. Your strengths are important
Your own personal strengths are important to carve out a successful online business. Each individual has unique talents and strengths and when you align your internet business to these, the results will start flowing in thick and fast. If you are endowed with good artistic talents, animation or graphic designing can be your forte. Similarly, those endowed with skills in photography or engineering design should build an internet business around that niche. Understand that a wide array of opportunities is available.

2. Business should be for profit
The next important step of your internet marketing business is profit. Every business should have a profit objective which is well defined. Your major raw material or input in internet business is your time. Pricing your time in relation to your experience and skills with regard to competition should be the key element of your business plan. Under pricing may be a good strategy, but should be supported by adequate experience.

3. Failure is the stepping stone to success
Persistence will be the watchword for your internet business plan. You may have put together all that a prospective customer would need to know before entrusting his work to you. Yet, it can take several attempts before your first customer arrives. Be, persistent in your efforts and do not shy way from fresh opportunities. If you analyze the lost opportunities, you can find some pointers. What pulled that business in another direction? Was it the price, time, experience, expertise? Learn these and you will soon be on the elevator to success.

These Make Money Online at Home Ideas Can Be Terrific For You

My goal is to help reduce or eliminate much of the potential frustration you are going to experience if you spend too much time researching ways to make money online at home. What I would like to do in this article is try to help you zero in on the best make money online at home idea for your situation.
To totally understand which make money online at home idea is best for you must first then determine what your personal goals are. So you give yourself the best chance to be successful you need to determine the type of person you are.
1. First of all determine if you are a worker or a potential business owner. A worker is someone who would prefer to just trade hours for money.
This type of person is willing to go online and complete surveys, do data entry, process rebate forms, type at home, and so on. A worker is perfectly happy earning minimum wage or above as long as they can do it from the comfort of their own home. There is nothing wrong with this and examples of people earning additional income with these type of jobs go back 30 years or more.
2. A person who would like to make more money and be a potential business owner is someone willing to work for virtually nothing right now. Before it becomes profitable a new business opportunity has to get off the ground.
These types of people are entrepreneurial by nature and are willing to stick with it no matter what obstacles they face. There are certainly many opportunities for you to make money on the Internet and it from the comfort of your own home If you are that this type of person.
Examples of home businesses that can be done online include affiliate marketing, network marketing, blogging, email marketing, providing a service, and so on. These each present opportunities within themselves.
Affiliate marketing, for example, is a popular way to make money online at home because everything you need is all set up for you. You can become an affiliate marketer for free and build as large of an Internet business as you would like.
Website design, article writing, graphic design, and so on are some examples of providing a service and making money online. Your service is your product and there are many people on the Internet right now who are looking for someone to hirer doing these various things.
If you try any one or all of these ideas, you will find greater success in your new home business.

The Beginner's Internet Marketing Journey

The internet marketer's journey is often a lonely one. With so many different online business opportunities and business models to choose from, finding your way - you're true calling - can take years. Everybody's trying to sell you the next latest and greatest product or service that's "guaranteed" to end your struggle and start making you money online.

At first, a sparkle is in the beginner's eye. He is easily led astray by promises of a better life and riches. Time soon passes and the beginner continues to purchase more products and more courses in hopes to one day finding that rare gem that makes him rich.

After a while, the beginner soon discovers the cold hard reality - the products are not making him rich. He gets frustrated and blames his failures on the products themselves. But, when the beginner looks back and honestly asks himself how much of that information he's put into action, the truth about the beginner's failure soon emerges.

Taking action is much easier said than done. Many beginners read all the courses and "know" how to make money online but few actually put the ebook down long enough to start making it happen. Many beginner internet marketers fall into a hypnotic state. They become programmed to being an internet marketing junkie instead of trying to make money. They rarely step out of their comfort zone long enough to make something happen. What's worse, they start accepting their fate and begin standing in line with the masses of mediocrity.

Days pass. Soon weeks turn into months and months into years. One day, the beginner reflects on all the time he has spent "learning" internet marketing and yet still has nothing to show for it. If only the beginner would have taken action, his life could have turned out so differently.

You don't want this to be you. Step out of your comfort zone and take action. Don't allow yourself to get distracted by the glitz and glamour or new products floating around online. There's always going to be something new. Pick something that you have a strong interest in and learn everything about it. Don't follow in the footsteps of so many failed marketers that have lost all hope.

Most importantly, don't let distraction or excuses rule your life or you won't have much of a life at all.

Marketing Online - 4 Basic Advantages

Marketing online has 4 basic advantages.

These 4 basic advantages of marketing online have continued to become increasingly important as the internet has grown in dimension and influence.

More and more retailers and entrepreneurs are looking to the Internet to market their products and services as the limitless potential and power of marketing online becomes more and more apparent.

1) Convenience.

The first and most obvious advantage of marketing online is convenience.

If you have a computer and internet access, you can conduct business anytime, anywhere. And now that laptops are so common, this is even truer than before.

Everyone wants better and faster access to products and services and there is no indication that this will ever change.

And now, with the power of Online Marketing you can conveniently transact business from anywhere and reach your customers wherever they are.

Now that's convenience!

2) Cost Reduction:

Marketing online has greatly reduced the advertising costs on the seller's end,

A perfect example is email.

You can send costly postcards to thousands of people and may realize some profit a week or two later. With email, however, you can send out emails to the same thousand people and realize an increase in sales an hour from now, at absolutely no cost to you.

If you want to make money online but you're starting from scratch and have a next-to-nothing budget you may want to begin with Affiliate Programs - i.e. selling other people's products.

With some online Affiliate Programs you can be set up in business literally within a couple hours and be making a profit in a matter of days for little or no capital output.

3) Speed of Communication:

Suppose you have a brick and mortar business and just found out one of your products is permanently going off the shelf.

You want to run a sale to clear your stock, but it will take a few days to reach your customers with the news.

Now, your competitor up the street also has this product and has gotten the same news.

She, however, is marketing online and can send out one mass mailing and have her customers at her store that same day.

You end up being stuck with the merchandise while she has moved on to the new and improved product.

4) Market Reach:

The fourth basic advantage of internet marketing is your market reach. You can literally sell to the world, that's why it's called the world wide web.

When you start a business, you will always have a limited number of customers who can physically travel to your store.

But when you're involved with online marketing you can reach just about every nook and cranny of the world.

If you're marketing online your customer base is anyone with internet access - with a growth potential of millions.

Every day, more and more people join the online community. As they are added to the internet, they are also added to your potential customer database.

These are advantages you just can't beat.

Getting Your First Sale As a New Internet Marketer

Getting your first sale as an internet marketer is one of the most exciting experiences you will ever have. A lot of people can't begin to understand why anyone would get do happy about making a twenty five dollar commission on a Clickbank product after working on it for months or finally making the first dollar period.
It is a psychological thing. People want to believe they can make money online but they have this nagging doubt that for whatever reason it will not work. They need proof and then they need more proof in order to feel good about what they are doing.
Often if you visit some of the more popular internet marking forums you will see some threads of someone telling how they made their first sale and how it was so important to them to get that first sale. The person in question will usually always get congratulated because most people new to the online world know that it is a hard to get that first inaugural dollar online.
Daunting as it may seem for people to that are new to the game of internet marketing. You must keep the faith even when things get hard. Once you receive that first dollar your whole life will change. But in the meantime you will need some motivation to help you along they way. Remember these two things when you are feeling down about whether or not you can succeed in this business.
Remember why you are doing this:
People often forget why they get into internet marketing in the first place. You get into it because you want to quit your job and have more time to spend with your family. You want to make more money without having to work yourself silly everyday. Remember this the next time you feel like giving up because you have not make any money yet. Maybe you just need to make a few adjustments and you will begin to see money. Maybe you need a little coaching to get you their, no matter the case do not forget why you want this. It is vital to your long term success.
Visualize your success before you have it:
This is overlooked by so many new internet marketers. You have to visualize having what you want now before you actually have it. Think about having the free time. Think about all the things you will be able to do once you have more money to pay your bills and to put in the bank. Take that feeling, bottle it up and save it for a rainy day because you will need it. When the day finally comes that you get your first sale you will have proof that this can be done and that will drive you to work even harder. So visualize your success before you have it, it help.
There will always be days where you are feeling doubtful about getting that first sale online. It is the proverbial right of passage for any new internet marketer. You just have to keep pushing when things are down, and once you get that first sale no matter how small you will know once and for all that making money online is very possible indeed.

Make Money Online - The Pros and Benefits of Becoming an Internet Marketer

Many people get into Internet marketing primarily for the money. Creating an additional income stream can be very exciting. There are many benefits that are associated with Internet marketing. In this article I will explain exactly what those benefits are and how you can get on the right path as a successful Internet marketer.

1. The ability to work from home

when you are involved and Internet marketing, you can stay at home while still making some type of income. If your full-time in a marketer, you don't have to worry about the 9 to 5 day job like most people have to deal with. You sleep late in the morning if you choose or you can simply not do anything if you don't want. Basically when you're a full-time Internet marketer, you call the shots.

2. You can have money coming in every month

When you become a successful Internet marketer, you will know what it feels like to be able to buy almost anything you want without the financial burden that many other people have to deal with. Not to brag or anything, but when I first made $5000 in one month, I can even explain how I was feeling. Although I hadn't quit my full-time job or anything, but just knowing that I had the extra income to help in supporting my family. Also, it feels great to be able to take my son and wife on a shopping spree. You can also experience these type of things once you reach that level of success.

3. Freedom

When you are making money online as an Internet marketer, after a while, it won't feel like you're even working. It starts to become a lot of fun because you will start to feel as though your dreams are starting to come true.